Companies can do a lot to reduce emissions and decrease their negative climate impact. Here's how to get started.
KPI assessment
Studi is becoming Binogi!
On 17 November, Studi will change the name to Binogi Kenya. Rebranding is part of the company’s drive for universal access to superior learning material online. With a global reach of over half a million users, Binogi Kenya together with our sister platforms is now accelerating efforts with new material and new features.
Consilio Beyond Intent Index
Beyond Intent together with Consilio International has developed a new tool that assesses, forecasts, and visualises geopolitical risk based on the company’s unique position and specific strategy. The Consilio Beyond Intent Index (CBI) captures and focuses on key national risks.
Studi on Kenya Education Cloud in the Kenyan Standard
One of the leading newspapers in Kenya, The Standard, highlights among qualitative e-learning platforms in Kenya, essential for sustaining learning during school closures.
BI backs qualitative digital learning in Kenya
Dagens industri om BIs rapport
Nio av tio företag räknar med skärpta hållbarhetskrav från staten. Men många är oförberedda på nya regleringar. Dagens industri rapporterar om slutsatserna i undersökningen som vi genomfört tillsammans med Fossilfritt Sverige och Företagarna.
BI for digital education
BI at Nairobi Garage
Swedish national TV feature Studi
Välkommen Frida!
Oxford Analytica Global Horizons 2016
Beyond Intent together with MacroIntelligence Ltd. will attend Oxford Analytica’s annual conference Global Horizons 21-23 September 2016