BI climate action through reforestation

Seedballs Kenya is a natural efficient reforestation method born in Kenya. Since 2016, almost 7.5 million indigenous trees and grass seeds have been distributed.


A seedball is simply a seed inside of a ball of charcoal dust mixed with nutrients. The biochar coating of the ball helps protect the seed within from birds, rodents and insects, sun and temperature until the rains arrive.

Natural and cheap to produce, seedballs are an inexpensive and easy way to disperse large amounts of seeds over large areas or places hard to reach. It makes it possible can reintroduce tree species that have been removed from their original environments. A natural and efficient to fight deforestation.

Last week, BI visited Seedballs Kenya. Contributing to reforestation is one of the ways that we together with our subsidiary Beyond Intent East Africa Ltid. in Kenya will lessen our climate footprint and compensate CO2 emissions from our operations.

Planting trees are a concrete and positive way to offset CO2 emissions. Grass and fast growing species will also help bind and restore soil fertility, others will contribute to food security, cooling local temperature and provide shade for other plants to develop.

On average, one acre of new forest can sequester about 2.5 tons of carbon annually. Young trees absorb CO2 at a rate of almost 6 kg per year. Trees reach their most productive stage of carbon storage at about 10 years at which point they are estimated to absorb 22 kg of CO2 per year.
