Releasing the Binogi App

The BI subsidiary in Kenya, has just launched a new application for mobile devices for the Kenyan market in collaboration with Komplementskolan AB. The app complements the web platform for secondary school and is designed to significantly increase the market reach with several important features.

- Learn on the go! Enjoy over 1,000 video lessons and quizzes OFF-LINE.

- Pass that exam! Practice with over 20,000 digital quiz questions.

- Learn faster! Take a picture of a textbook page and get videos optimised for learning! The scanning function will identify the relevant Binogi videos instantly.
Find out more!

The animated videos are crafted by a team of experts, teachers, writers, animators and actors to create an experience you’ll never forget. Each video has been tested on tens of thousands of students to make sure you learn as effectively as possible.

Download the app from GooglePlay and AppStore.