Webbinar on the Future of Work

On the 7 October, the report A changing world of work – what does it mean for international development cooperation? will be released at Union to Union’s webinar. BI was responsible for the research and report.


This report focuses on the future of work from an international development cooperation perspective and more specifically on the role of trade union development cooperation. It analyses the impact of disruptive global trends on the labour market based on case studies in three countries and interviews with union and private sector actors in Africa, Latin America and South-East Asia. And the findings are quite distressing.

While many developing countries stand to gain from rapid technological development, transformation to sustainable business practices and demographic change, many are also at high risk of losing economic and development momentum due to massive job loss, environmental degradation and capital flight. The future of work is already here and the conditions of this new landscape need to guide international development cooperation and trade union collaboration in order to be effective and resilient.

The webinar will be held on 7 October 2020, at 3pm CET (in Swedish).

More information and signup available here and below:


Onsdagen den 7 oktober klockan 15:00

Webbinariet sänds via Union to Unions Facebook-kanal samt Youtube.

Länk till Facebook-evenemanget på Union to Unions Facebooksida.

I panelen:

Ulrika Modéer
Assisterande generalsekreterare och chef för externa relationer och påverkansarbete på FN:s utvecklingsprogram UNDP.

Per Olsson Fridh
Statssekreterare hos biståndsminister Peter Eriksson.

Samtalsledare: Sofia Östmark, kanslichef på Union to Union.

Under seminariet kommer även inspel att göras från ILO (International Labour Organization), det globala facket BWI (Building and Wood Workers' International) samt den kenyanska centralorganisationen COTU-K (Central Organization of Trade Unions).