Our new course and brand offering!

We are happy to announce that we now offer courses and trainings in sustainability! Since a few years back, we have worked with Wise Group as a partner in their sustainability work. We have jointly carried out double materiality assessments, trained employees and developed structures in accordance with the conditions and requirements of the business. This cooperation has taught us that our competencies in HR and recruitment and sustainability complement each other. It has also become clear that we share an interest in and experience with change management and organizational development. The insights have become an opportunity to reach further and to many more through a joint offer.

We have also entered a partnership with the content agency Klintberg/Niléhn and with them we can now align strategic communication and sustainability. Together, we provide strategic advice on risks and opportunities linked to sustainability. We support companies and organisations to present their sustainability work in an inclusive and visually appealing way. The material produced can be used in sustainability reports but also in other channels, such as social media and campaigns. It brings added value as the marketing is firmly grounded and the social benefit increases.

Check out our new trainings and branding offering here.