Inclusive education in East Africa

As we move out of the summer and the infamously slow period workwise in Sweden, we thought we would write a little about one of our maybe lesser known, but perhaps most important, projects.

Together with Läkarmissionen and Postkodstiftelsen, Beyond Intent has launched a project in Tanzania and Somalia with the overall objective being to bridge the gap between disadvantaged communities and their systemic lack of access to quality education, by means of a digital learning material. To achieve this, Beyond Intent has a long-standing partnership up with Binogi, the e-learning platform used by >70% of all secondary level students in Sweden today, and with increasing usage globally.

Binogi is designed to support classroom implementation as well as self-studies, and to offer a superior learning material to all, regardless of preconditions or social belonging. Originally created for students with learning difficulties and immigrants with language challenges, it was soon discovered that the material caters to the entire range of students, from the most to the less advantaged.

In Somalia, the project is run through a mobile school unit in several communities, with the aim of reaching 500+ students by mid 2025. In Tanzania, the project centers on two schools and surrounding communities in a church-based group of schools, also aiming to reach 500+ users by mid 2025.

The wider objective of the project is to establish a viable model for upscaling, and to secure further development funding for larger roll-outs globally. The model will investigate classroom adaptation and learning outcomes from introducing Binogi in African school environments.

Our hope is that Binogi will help students get access to quality education, everywhere.